
Almost everybody relies to some degree on some form of content marketing. We do market and keyword research, and we try to spot opportunities. We build landing pages and write articles to try and boost our rankings, optimize our ads, get traffic, and convert visitors.

What happens when that stops working? When the internet is drowning in generic, AI-generated content, when search is 'ambient' and keyword-less, and when Google has no incentive to crawl, index or rank our websites? How can brands use content to compete for attention in 'solved query spaces', when search engines can just synthesize information for their users?

If we want to be able to access an audience, we need to stop thinking of 'content' as something we put on pages and ads to attract or convert visits, and instead start to think about how to use content to solve user problems.

Date and Time

Thu 16:30—17:00



Jono Alderson

Co-founder & CTO at Days Of The Year

Jono Alderson is an exceptional technical SEO consultant. He helps brands to compete on technical SEO, performance, and structured data. He’s worked with startups, agencies, and enterprise brands to turbo-charge websites, implement growth strategies, prepare for the future, and win markets. Jono is happiest when neck-deep in code, presenting on stage, sightseeing, or reading a good book.

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Feb 20-22, 2024
Janacek Theatre, Brno

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